Take a look at what keeps people coming back to PlanAt. Our services provide a better user experience and are cutting edge in the industry.
Drag and drop calendar for easier viewing
Unlimited events to see your itenary
Remove and invite others to your events
Update your company, area, and email to see other events of interest
Add your friends to make planning hangouts a breeze
Any problems? We have 24/7 support through email, chat, or phone.
Never stress about how and when you are going to make plans. Our easy to use claendar widget makes scheduling a breeze.
Add events with drag and drop user interface
We have day, week, month, and year view to fit your needs
Fill in the company and region page in your profile to see what's up in your communities
See our newest features and what we are working on, as well as our most popular uses for existing features
Our four tiers of pricing means that there is always an option for you. Each level has different features, and feel free to change over time. Billing is yearly
See our developers and contact them with any questions
Web Developer
Web Developer
Web Developer
Web Developer
See what's happening within our company and more tips on scheduling and magagement
Take a look on our plans for devlopment next year
A quick guide on how to maximize your schedule without stress
Tips from experts on how to get more particpation in companies
Like what you see? Great, we would love to work with you! Fill out this form to give us any feedback or just talk